How to increase your employees productivity?

Employees are the most important component of a company - employees are the producers who make the company successful in the first place. But according to a recent US Bureau of Labor report, employee productivity has been waning in recent years. So how do we solve this problem?

How to increase your employees productivity?


Employees are the most important component of a company - employees are the producers who make the company successful in the first place. But according to a recent US Bureau of Labor report, employee productivity has been waning in recent years.

So how do we solve this problem?


First: What is employee productivity?

Employee productivity, also known as workplace productivity, is a measure of employee output.

For example, a company that produces cans will want to know how many cans one employee can manufacture in a given period of time - this number is the output of the individual employee.

As such, employee productivity should not be confused with labor productivity (workforce productivity), which is the total economic output of a country or firm per hour worked.

There are many benefits to increasing your employee's productivity that has been proved to be important to companies - if employees are productive, then the work:


  • becomes more profitable
  • growth
  • Meets consumer demand
  • remain competitive


In essence, high employee productivity ensures that the company remains relevant to the market.How can you improve the productivity of your team?


Set deadlines.

Studies have shown that one of the keys to improving productivity is setting and sticking to deadlines. Meeting deadlines regularly demonstrates reliability and the ability to stay focused.


Avoid booking unproductive meetings.

Another way to increase productivity at work is to avoid scheduling events that don't achieve much, such as employee meetings. It's one thing if you have an important announcement or need to discuss strategy, but having meetings on topics that can be communicated via email can reduce productivity.


Keep distractions to a minimum.

It is important to stay focused while working and create an environment in which your employees can focus on their work; Therefore, remove as many distractions as possible. Remote employees have this advantage, while office employees have to deal with background noise from devices and co-workers. Create an environment where employees can focus on their work.


Don't try to get them to multitask.

Multitasking was a big part of the work ethic of the late last century. Many companies are now using productivity automation tools like IFTTT to handle multiple tasks simultaneously to free up more time to focus on core business functions. With manual multitasking, your team can be very overworked and make more mistakes, especially when someone is overworked. Business is more productive when employees stay focused on a concise list of tasks.

Company culture and employee productivity are part of the employer's responsibility. You create the environment in your company. Listen to your employees, and create a circle of trust between you and them.

The success of your employees is the success of your company.




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مديحه حسن عبد القادر عبد الغفار
2024-04-01 09:59:24

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