Thinking about changing your career?

It’s okay to have thought you wanted a certain career and then later in life you change your mind. However you need to understand why you want to change your career? And why did you choose this new career path? Is it related to your values? To your life mission? Are you not excited about your role anymore? ..etc. you need to answer these questions first.

Thinking about changing your career?

Maybe you are thinking about starting a new career path in your life. In 2021, an increasing number of people started to rethink their careers and long-term goals, leading to the Great Resignation — a 20 percent increase in resignations compared to 2020. 


It’s okay to have thought you wanted a certain career and then later in life you change your mind. However you need to understand why you want to change your career? And why did you choose this new career path? Is it related to your values? To your life mission? Are you not excited about your role anymore? ..etc. you need to answer these questions first. 


  • Why do you want to change your career?
  • Are you feeling the way you feel about your current career?
  • What do you want in the future?
  • Do you think you’re more qualified for another field?
  • What is your life purpose? 


First, you need to find out what you're interested in. Search for different job roles in the new field you want to take on. Read more about the responsibilities of the role. ask yourself what are some things you would like to change or that you don’t enjoy doing and write it down. Another way to do it is to talk to the people who work in the fields you are interested in, hear from them what they like and what they don’t like and why and ask all your questions. 

You could also try taking courses or watching YouTube videos regarding the field you are interested in. This will give you an idea or a feel of how this career might be and feel like. 


Once you have chosen which career path you want to take, you need make sure your information is up to date, write down all of your experience and skills in your CV, linkedin page ( ns3a profile ;) ) …etc. then start researching for new jobs and networking, we will be honest with you in the start it might be hard to land a job with a different background. However it is very much possible! Remember to be patient during this process and keep an open mind. 


The last thing you have to do is simply start applying for jobs! And make sure you let your skills shine. Because When you change careers, you’re often not actually starting from scratch because you have transferable skills that you’re able to use in a new career. 


The important thing is to remember that you are not stuck. You can always change careers. Yes, it might be challenging and scary however it will be worth it once you find your place. 


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